Chapter 4 Assessment-What Do You Think Millionaires Do with Their Time?

Habits of Millionaires

Let’s start this chapter with a pre-assessment to see what you think these common “Millionaire Habits” might be. There is no passing score for this pre-assessment.

Assessing What You Know about Common Habits of Most Millionaires

Assessing What You Know about Common Habits of Most Millionaires

4. What is the NUMBER ONE personal interest of most Millionaires? They are always...
1. A Millionaire walks by with ear buds in. What is he or she most likely listening to?

4-Question Assessment

2. Which of these HEALTH habits is 10 times more common among millionaires than the rest of us?
3. Which of these PERSONAL habits is also 10 times more common among millionaires than the rest of us?
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